Jesus Changed My Life

I always loved God. As a girl, I went to Sunday School where felt boards were my favorite. Later in childhood, my family got wrapped up in an organization that claimed to be Christian—but they taught heresy about Jesus, saying he wasn’t God, just a necessary, good person—but one who did not deserve exaltation. They…

Why I Love Stories

As a child, the Snow White fairy tale fascinated me beyond all the others. She had dark hair like me, which helped, probably. And I always hung on the words “hair as black as ebony, skin as white as snow, and lips as red as blood.” It sounded mysterious and elegant, and then there was…


I’ve been watching the sun set, and I love the contrast of light and dark, the colors the light makes in the sky. Have you ever entered a dark room, wherein there is only one light? Amidst the shadows, our eyes are naturally drawn to the source of the light. We fix our eyes on…